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Shopify Speed Optimization

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Shopify Speed Optimization

Are you yearning to witness a remarkable transformation in your Shopify store’s performance? Look no further!

In just 7 hours, we pledge to revolutionize your Shopify store speed, transforming its mobile and desktop platforms to deliver a loading time that’s nothing short of impressive.

Understanding the Significance of Shopify Speed Optimization:

Extensive research has unveiled a crucial truth – the patience of most users dwindles after a mere 3 seconds of waiting for a Shopify website to load.

Beyond this threshold, the ominous “back” button beckons, leading them away from your online store, possibly to another Google search result for their desired purchase.

The prospect of losing potential customers and sales looms a situation that can be effortlessly averted. This is precisely where our dependable Shopify speed optimization service strides in, aimed at turbocharging your Shopify store’s speed.

Our Method to Improve Your Shopify Store’s Speed:

-Minimization and Organization of JavaScript and CSS Files

-Smart Implementation of 

-Image Optimization and Seamless Lazy Loading Integration

Furthermore, we infuse the art of lazy loading into your setup, ensuring images load as users scroll, thereby giving an impressive facelift to your initial page load speed.

-In-Depth App Analysis and Prudent Old App Code Exclusion

-Banishing Render-Blocking Hurdles

Why Entrust Us with Your Shopify Speed Optimization:

-Guarantee of Mobile Score 70+ and Desktop Score 90+

-A swifter website inherently translates into a more pleasing user experience. This translates into lower bounce rates and heightened customer satisfaction.

-Ascending Google Rankings 

-Surge in Sales Volume

-Speedy Response Time

-Unlimited Revisions

In a digital realm where speed is paramount, we stand as your steadfast ally, arming your Shopify store with the power of swiftness and seamless browsing experiences.


Bixos Programming & Development Team

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(+92) 321-893-4545

Our Pricing

Our Pricing

Choose The Best Pricing For You

Basic Plan


In our Basic Package, achieve impressive scores of 60-70 for Mobile and 80-90 for Desktop on Google PageSpeed Insights, as well as GTmetrix B Scores. Plus, you’ll receive fifteen days of dedicated support.


Premium Plan


In our Premium Package, achieve impressive scores of 80-90 for Mobile and 90-100 for Desktop on Google PageSpeed Insights, as well as GTmetrix A Scores. Plus, you’ll receive lifetime of dedicated support.


Standard Plan


In our Standard Package, achieve impressive scores of 70-80 for Mobile and 90-95 for Desktop on Google PageSpeed Insights, as well as GTmetrix A Scores. Plus, you’ll receive one month of dedicated support.

Additional Question

Questions You Want To Know

The optimizations we implement to enhance the speed of your Shopify store are permanent, unless you make significant changes such as changing the theme or installing multiple new apps.


Get Consultation On Whatsapp

(+92) 321-893-4545

Quality Service

At our bixos agency, quality service is our top priority. With a dedicated team of professionals, we strive for excellence in every project. Trust us to deliver exceptional results that surpass your expectations.

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Get a free consultation and benefit from personalized attention and expert guidance to make informed decisions for your project. Unlock your full potential and reach us out today.

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We are available 24/7 to cater to your needs. Our team is committed to providing prompt assistance and support whenever you require it. Whether you have questions, need updates, or seek guidance, we are here for you around the clock. Experience the convenience of our 24/7 availability and trust that we are always ready to serve you.

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Get a free consultation and benefit from personalized attention and expert guidance to make informed decisions for your project. Unlock your full potential and reach us out today.


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Payments are protected by your delivery approval so don't worry about losing your money. We do not use your payment until you are completely satisfied.


Client Satisfication

Bixos agency is committed to customer satisfaction. We offer multiple revisions until the customer is fully satisfied, and a full refund if the customer is not happy with our services. Our priority is to ensure that our customers are happy with their experience with us. Kindly be aware that the refund policy can differ based on the specific service you have chosen. We recommend reviewing the terms and conditions related to refunds for your particular service.

See How Others Found This Service Useful



I've hired them for Shopify speed optimization, and for the fourth time, they've proven their expertise. My site's loading faster than ever, and I didn't encounter any of those annoying glitches or bugs. If you're after a wallet-friendly way to upgrade your site, Bixos is the answer.


My store was drowning in codes, apps, and sloth-like speed. But they turned my store really fast in just 32 hours. I'm keeping their number on speed dial for any future speed woes!




I can't thank Bixos Digital Agency enough for giving my website a speed makeover! It was stuck in traffic before, and buyers were getting impatient. But now, it's like a fast lane to success, and I'm celebrating new sales. You've earned my respect!


I gotta say, I had a chat with these folks over at Bixos Digital Agency, and once I let them in on my page stuff, they just got down to business. Quick as a flash, they fixed up all the gears and levers behind the scenes. I woke up the next morning, and bam! My page speed was up to 99! And the best part? They didn't leave me hanging, they sent me all the nifty details about what they did to spruce things up. Definitely a cool crew to collaborate with. Thumbs up from me!




They're like lightning when it comes to responding and delivering results. They even finished up way before the deadline. Can you believe it? My website's speed zoomed up to a whopping 98 on Mobile and 99 on Web from a measly 29. That's some serious magic they worked there. I'm definitely coming back for more.


Finally My customers aren't left tapping their feet while waiting for my site to load.




I can't believe how quick and on-the-ball Bixos Digital Agency is! Seriously, they made our website lightning fast in just one night. Our speed scores shot up above 90, and that's impressive. If you're into SEO stuff and want your website to load super fast for your visitors, give these guys a shot. They're the real deal.


They did exactly what they said they would. My website's speed got a major boost, and they didn't stop there. They shared some really useful advice on how to maintain this newfound speed. Super impressed, totally recommended!




They were really good at staying in touch and quick to reply, from the moment I first contacted them to when I finalized my order. My website's speed has received a major boost, and I can't stress enough how much I recommend Bixos Agency's services. What's even better, they offered valuable suggestions on maintaining the newfound speed, even when integrating new content and apps.


Our store used to be painfully slow when it came to loading, but thanks to Speed Experts, it's like a whole new world. They truly live up to their name as masters of speed. The outcomes are superb, the Desktop version now hits the ultimate 100 in terms of speed! A big thank you once again. I wholeheartedly endorse their service, it's beyond amazing.


Hey, I'm Hamza Abdul Jabbar CEO and Founder of Bixos Digital Agency

Meet Hamza Abdul Jabbar, the visionary CEO and Founder of Bixos Digital Agency. With over a decade of experience as a professional graphic designer and freelancer, Hamza has honed his skills and expertise in the industry. Throughout his freelance journey, he noticed a recurring problem - many of his clients had been disappointed by the subpar services offered by other freelancers and agencies in various fields like logo animation, AI animation, video editing, and writing services. Curious about the root of this issue, Hamza delved deeper by engaging with his clients. They shared their frustrating experiences with other freelancing platforms and agencies, where not only were the costs exorbitant, but they also failed to receive the desired results. It was a pivotal moment for Hamza, as he recognized the need for a change. Determined to provide a superior and reliable solution, Hamza embarked on a mission to create an agency that prioritized customer satisfaction above all else. He handpicked talented individuals from different creative backgrounds, each with a strong portfolio and an unwavering dedication to their craft. Under his leadership, he cultivated a team of passionate professionals who shared his vision. In pursuit of his dream, Hamza founded "Bixos Digital Agency" and launched its website, Bixos became the one-stop solution for clients seeking high-quality services in various domains. From graphic design to animation, video editing to content creation, Bixos offered a wide range of top-notch services. One of the key aspects that set Bixos apart from others was Hamza's commitment to affordability. He firmly believed that every client, regardless of their scale, deserved access to exceptional services without breaking the bank. Thus, he ensured that Bixos' pricing remained competitive, catering to small business owners and large companies alike. With Hamza's leadership and the dedication of the talented team at Bixos Digital Agency, the company thrived. Clients experienced a level of service and results that surpassed their expectations. Bixos became synonymous with excellence and reliability in the industry, earning trust and admiration from all its clients. Hamza's journey from a freelance graphic designer to the CEO of Bixos Digital Agency is a testament to his passion, vision, and commitment to customer satisfaction. He continues to steer the agency towards new heights, leaving a lasting impact on the creative industry and proving that exceptional service can indeed be affordable for everyone.

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