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WordPress Speed Optimization

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WordPress Speed Optimization

Are you frustrated with a sluggish website that not only annoys users but also drags down your Google rankings?

The solution to your problem is right here, and it comes with a guarantee of improved speed while adhering to the latest Google Pagespeed Insights and GTMetrix guidelines. The best part is that your site’s functionality remains fully intact.

Why Optimal Site Speed Matters:

1. Enhanced Google Ranking:

Your website’s speed significantly influences its Google ranking and overall SEO performance.

2. User Satisfaction:

Slow-loading websites drive users away. A fast site elevates user experience, encouraging visitors to stay engaged.

3. Business Growth:

A swift website leads to higher conversions and customer satisfaction, resulting in increased sales.

Our Expert Solution:

Leveraging our expertise, we can elevate your site’s speed to remarkable levels.

The Positive Outcomes:

– Google Ascension: Watch your site climb the search engine rankings – a guaranteed outcome.

– User Marvel: Visitors will enjoy a lightning-fast experience, motivating them to explore your site further.

– Surge in Revenue: A rapid website directly correlates to increased conversions, sales, and engagement with ads.

Why Opt for the Premium Package?

1. Absolute Satisfaction Guarantee

2. Over 7 Years of WordPress Mastery

3. Ongoing Support

4. Sustainable Speed

5. Comprehensive Progress Report

Have queries? We’re quick to respond, typically within 10 minutes.

Ready to experience a speed revolution? Place your order now and witness your website transform into a rapid powerhouse!


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Our Pricing

Our Pricing

Choose The Best Pricing For You

Basic Plan


Achieve a Google Pagespeed Score of 60+ for Desktop and 40+ for Mobile, along with a speedy 4-6 second load time. Additionally, benefit from 10 days of dedicated support.

Experience the following advantages with our service:

  1. Improved Google Pagespeed Score: Boost your website’s performance and meet Google’s recommended Pagespeed Scores. We’ll ensure a score of 60+ for Desktop and 40+ for Mobile, reflecting optimized loading times and enhanced user experience.

  2. Swift Load Time: Say goodbye to slow-loading pages. We’ll optimize your website to achieve a responsive load time of just 4-6 seconds, providing your visitors with a seamless browsing experience.

  3. Comprehensive 10 Days Support: Receive dedicated support from our team for a period of 10 days. We’ll be there to assist you, answer your questions, and ensure your website continues to perform optimally.


Premium Plan


Achieve remarkable Google Pagespeed Scores with a score of 90+ for Desktop and 75+ for Mobile, along with lightning-fast load times of 1-3 seconds. Additionally, benefit from an extensive one-month support period.

Here’s what you can expect from our service:

  1. Exceptional Google Pagespeed Scores: Elevate your website’s performance to the top tier. We’ll optimize your site to achieve an outstanding Pagespeed Score of 90+ for Desktop and 75+ for Mobile. These impressive scores reflect optimized loading times and exceptional user experience across all devices.

  2. Lightning-Fast Load Time: Wave goodbye to slow-loading pages. Our expert optimizations will ensure a rapid load time of just 1-3 seconds. This guarantees a seamless browsing experience, keeping your visitors engaged, satisfied, and more likely to convert.

  3. Comprehensive One-Month Support: We prioritize your success and provide extensive support for an entire month. Throughout this period, our dedicated team will be available to assist you, address any inquiries, and ensure that your website continues to deliver exceptional performance.


Standard Plan


Achieve an outstanding Google Pagespeed Score of 80+ for Desktop and 60+ for Mobile, along with an impressively fast load time of 2-5 seconds. Additionally, benefit from an extended support period of 20 days.

Here are the advantages you’ll experience with our service:

  1. Superior Google Pagespeed Score: Enhance your website’s performance to surpass expectations. We’ll optimize your site to achieve a remarkable Pagespeed Score of 80+ for Desktop and 60+ for Mobile. This ensures optimized loading times and excellent user experience across devices.

  2. Lightning-Fast Load Time: Bid farewell to slow-loading pages. We’ll fine-tune your website to achieve a swift load time of just 2-5 seconds. This guarantees a seamless browsing experience, keeping your visitors engaged and satisfied.

  3. Extensive 20 Days Support: Our commitment to your success goes beyond the initial optimization. Enjoy an extended support period of 20 days, during which our team will be available to provide assistance, address any concerns, and ensure your website continues to deliver exceptional performance.


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Questions You Want To Know

No matter when you require our assistance, we are available at your service without delay. Say goodbye to unreliable and dishonest providers and the disappointment they bring. When you choose Bixos Agency, you make a bulletproof decision that guarantees exceptional service.

We are committed to providing you with ongoing support and assistance for life. Your satisfaction is paramount to us, and we are grateful for your trust in our services. Rest assured, we will stand by your side whenever you need us, ensuring a reliable and trustworthy partnership.

Don't settle for less when you can experience the reliability and dedication of Bixos Agency. Invest in our services and enjoy a lifetime of gratitude, assistance, and peace of mind. We are here to exceed your expectations and make your journey with us a seamless and rewarding one.


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(+92) 321-893-4545

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At our bixos agency, quality service is our top priority. With a dedicated team of professionals, we strive for excellence in every project. Trust us to deliver exceptional results that surpass your expectations.

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We are available 24/7 to cater to your needs. Our team is committed to providing prompt assistance and support whenever you require it. Whether you have questions, need updates, or seek guidance, we are here for you around the clock. Experience the convenience of our 24/7 availability and trust that we are always ready to serve you.

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Get a free consultation and benefit from personalized attention and expert guidance to make informed decisions for your project. Unlock your full potential and reach us out today.


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Payments are protected by your delivery approval so don't worry about losing your money. We do not use your payment until you are completely satisfied.


Client Satisfication

Bixos agency is committed to customer satisfaction. We offer multiple revisions until the customer is fully satisfied, and a full refund if the customer is not happy with our services. Our priority is to ensure that our customers are happy with their experience with us. Kindly be aware that the refund policy can differ based on the specific service you have chosen. We recommend reviewing the terms and conditions related to refunds for your particular service.

See How Others Found This Service Useful



I've been a repeat customer of Bixos Agency, and let me tell you, words can't do justice to how amazing they truly are. My website was a total dud, crawling at snail's pace. Everyone around me insisted I shell out for a pricier hosting plan, which meant shelling out an extra $800 annually. But then I gave Bixos Agency a shot, and behold, my website now zooms like a rocket. Unbelievable!


I'm seriously amazed at what Bixos Digital Agency did for my website. I've tried a bunch of different people to make my site faster, but none of them worked like these guys. My website was dragging its feet before, but now it's zipping around like a pro. I can't wait to see if this helps me climb up the search result ladder. They should really be charging more for this kind of service!




Bixos Digital Agency worked incredibly fast on our website's speed issues. The improvements are clear, and it's obvious they know their stuff. We're even thinking about enrolling in their monthly maintenance plan. For all our future website needs, they're the go-to.


Our website's speed used to be a real drag, but thanks to Bixos Digital Agency, those days are over. I'm seriously amazed at how snappy our site has become. Their expertise is evident, and we're definitely going to be coming back!




I had tried a few different experts to speed up my website, but Bixos Digital Agency really stood out. My page speed scores are now all in the green, a perfect 100% score. The website feels so much faster, and I'm very pleased with the detailed report they provided. I'll definitely be a returning customer.


Bixos Digital Agency truly knows their stuff when it comes to website speed. My site's performance has been dramatically enhanced, and I'm seeing excellent speed scores. Their detailed report of the optimizations made me feel confident in their work. I'm a happy customer!




I can't believe the difference Bixos Digital Agency made to my site's speed. It's like they unlocked its full potential. I'm really pleased with the outcome and the clear explanation they provided. I'll definitely be recommending their services.


Bixos Digital Agency took my slow website and transformed it into a speedy one. It's now a pleasure for visitors to navigate through. Their report on the changes was a nice touch and showed their commitment to transparency. I'm thrilled with the results.




Months of frustration disappeared within hours thanks to Bixos Digital Agency. Our website's speed went through an incredible transformation. Highly recommended, and I can't wait to see our improved ranking on Google!


Bixos Digital Agency's dedication to improving our website's speed is truly commendable. The enhancements are apparent, and I'm confident this will lead to higher user satisfaction and better search engine visibility.


Hey, I'm Hamza Abdul Jabbar CEO and Founder of Bixos Digital Agency

Meet Hamza Abdul Jabbar, the visionary CEO and Founder of Bixos Digital Agency. With over a decade of experience as a professional graphic designer and freelancer, Hamza has honed his skills and expertise in the industry. Throughout his freelance journey, he noticed a recurring problem - many of his clients had been disappointed by the subpar services offered by other freelancers and agencies in various fields like logo animation, AI animation, video editing, and writing services. Curious about the root of this issue, Hamza delved deeper by engaging with his clients. They shared their frustrating experiences with other freelancing platforms and agencies, where not only were the costs exorbitant, but they also failed to receive the desired results. It was a pivotal moment for Hamza, as he recognized the need for a change. Determined to provide a superior and reliable solution, Hamza embarked on a mission to create an agency that prioritized customer satisfaction above all else. He handpicked talented individuals from different creative backgrounds, each with a strong portfolio and an unwavering dedication to their craft. Under his leadership, he cultivated a team of passionate professionals who shared his vision. In pursuit of his dream, Hamza founded "Bixos Digital Agency" and launched its website, Bixos became the one-stop solution for clients seeking high-quality services in various domains. From graphic design to animation, video editing to content creation, Bixos offered a wide range of top-notch services. One of the key aspects that set Bixos apart from others was Hamza's commitment to affordability. He firmly believed that every client, regardless of their scale, deserved access to exceptional services without breaking the bank. Thus, he ensured that Bixos' pricing remained competitive, catering to small business owners and large companies alike. With Hamza's leadership and the dedication of the talented team at Bixos Digital Agency, the company thrived. Clients experienced a level of service and results that surpassed their expectations. Bixos became synonymous with excellence and reliability in the industry, earning trust and admiration from all its clients. Hamza's journey from a freelance graphic designer to the CEO of Bixos Digital Agency is a testament to his passion, vision, and commitment to customer satisfaction. He continues to steer the agency towards new heights, leaving a lasting impact on the creative industry and proving that exceptional service can indeed be affordable for everyone.

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